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UBC Laptop Orchestra

Applied Music Technology (AMT)

What is Laptop Orchestra?

In this digital performance ensemble, you learn to write software to control systems using physical and sonic gesture tracking of traditional instruments, voice, and/or dance. Students use microphones, webcams, our Kinect-Controlled Artistic Sensing System (KiCASS), Wiis, accelerometers, game controllers, custom circuits, Arduinos, iPhones, iPads, etc. as part of creating interactive works.

Director: Dr. Robert Pritchard

UBC School of Music

December 2019
Synopsis and Explanation

Title: Crossing Paths

Program Note:

This piece explores the value of existence and the fascination of the unknown. Two characters come in realization of the existence of each other and leave their trace behind. Their unique way of communication is developed through their actions and the visuals left on the screen.

  • Two dancers tracked by the Xbox Kinect sensors to manipulate the visuals and sound
  • Character 1: paints red on the screen, controls the lower sounds, the sustained notes
  • Character 2: paints blue on the screen, controls the higher sounds, the shorter notes

UBC Laptop Orchestra – Crossing Paths

Interactive dance and video by Cindy Chow, Jack Griffiths, Samantha Krystal, Isaac Zee

  • Cindy in Blue
  • Samantha in Red

Behind the scenes of “Crossing Paths”

Cindy is seen here tracking her right hand gestures with Xbox Kinect and sending data to paint colours on black screen.

Max Patch “kinectDraw2” created by Dr. Keith Hamel

University of British Columbia Interactive Music and Performing Arts for Research Training (UBCIMPART 2019/20)

November 2019

Three Matches takes inspiration from a short story by Hans Christian Andersen entitled “The Little Match Girl.”

Program Note & Synopsis

Three Matches takes inspiration from a short story by Hans Christian Andersen entitled “The Little Match Girl.”

In addition to imparting a programmatic aspect to Three Matches, the short story provided a formal procedure as well, wherein “cold” and “warm” sections are juxtaposed and developed throughout the piece. The shift from one section to the next is signified by either a pantomimed motion suggesting the lighting of a match or a gust of wind that blows out the flame from the match. 

For those who are not familiar with it, “The Little Match Girl” depicts a young girl who struggles to sell matches on behalf of her impoverished family. Being that she is selling her matches in the dead of winter, she lights them to keep herself warm. As she lights her matches, she has visions of holiday joy, from roasted geese to her dead grandmother (the only person who loved her). After her last vision, she is seen by passers-by in the light of the new year, frozen to death.

UBC School of Music:

SUBCLASS – Sonic UBC Laptop Sounds and Sensors

April 2019

This is a collaboration with students from The University of British Columbia (UBC) and The University of Philippines-Diliman (UP).

May 2020
Fire – TALAmbuhay: Biography of a Star

Dancers: James Dumandan, Rexter Nagaño, Chiles Maraña, Sophia Maunahan, Ivan Yson

Programmer/Composers: Jon Bogert, Cindy Chow, Christian Concepcion, Erma Decena, Olivia Hall, Lucy Strauss, Eugene Talusan

Chinese Poperap is an interfusion of poetic recitation, Chinese Opera and Mandopop

December 2017

MUSC 319 Electroacoustic – Final Project

Program Note:
“Chinese Poperap” is an interfusion of poetic recitation, Chinese Opera and Mandopop, featuring selections from Li Yugang’s “The New Drunken Beauty”, “Happened to Meet
You”; Namewee’s “Stranger in the North” and GEM’s “Light Years Away”.

The vocal and rap sections are performed by Cindy. The instrumental accompaniment is composed with notation software and MIDI-keyboard.

This piece explores the mixture of various sound textures, alongside with diverse combinations of music genres.

Song Selections

李玉刚 《新贵妃醉酒》&《刚好遇见你》

黄明志 《飘向北方》

邓紫棋 《光年之外》